Sunday 28 February 2010

Parenthood fun!

Being a parent myself, it's always funny hearing the things your child comes out with. From experience I'd say that the terrible 2's has to be the worst. At that age they seem to be slightly too young to understand everything but yet old enough to run around causing havoc, at the same time questioning everything and everyone!

As today was a wet and raining day, me and the little one stayed in watching cartoons, playing, you know... the usual. At one point today the little one jumped on my shoulders and started playing with the old hair, she then starts asking me "daddy BUTTER!". For about ten minutes all I hear is "BUTTER daddy, BUTTER!!!", as she carried on running her hands through my hair. Eventually I figured out what she meant and realized she was referring to the greasiness of butter to the same texture as my hair!....... NICE!

After explaining it to her she agrees and then says "daddy's hair... YOK!".

I think it's time to wash my hair!........


...rain rain go away come again another day!

Another rainy day, not necessarily a bad day.. just wet! So no plans to get out of this hole in the wall, just going to stay in and keep warm! I don't know what it is about the weather recently but there hasn't been a hint of sunshine in days (although a slight hint yesterday afternoon). Supposedly the weather should be changing round soon, tomorrow will be nice and sunny, most likely cold but hey! means we can all get out!

How's the weather for you guys? rainy and wet? or are you one of the lucky ones that doesn't live in a wet and windy country!

Ooooo that reminds me! I need an umbrella!... (mice need them too you know!)


Saturday 27 February 2010

First thought...

Woohoo! My first thought has launched!!! Ok, maybe I'm being a tad too excited but still... you can see from my expression that I'm a little new to this all.

As this is my first post I'll keep it nice and short. Be sure to come back and check my next post tomorrow!
