Wednesday 10 March 2010

How cool are these!!! Would you strut them?

I was browsing on the internet and came across this article about these special.. I mean 'different' pair of shoes. Now we all remember having a pair of kids trainers where the heels would light up, I certainly do! (Although not those ones called ball boys!...). Well can you imagine the same effect but on a pair of stilettos?

These shoes were made by Rodarte, a two-sister design team, and are a good example of how wearable tech can be integrated into our lives and into three inch heels!

Here are a few pics of these specially made high heels, with a unique back light implanted.


Tuesday 9 March 2010

Special delivery!... MY ASS!!!

Trying to hold your anger in can sometimes be hard. On the outside you may look happy/normal or just fine, but inside you could be burning with rage just wanting to shout out at the reason that's made you mad!

So... what's ticked me off today? The dam postal service! I'm not talking about the Royal Mail (although yes sometimes they can be of annoyance), I'm talking about private couriers. Now I may be mistaken and it could just be the people at the other end (I'm talking about customer service), but I feel at some point they all play a part in it.

So you have a package delivered to your door but you're not home, you call up
using the details left on the piece of card they have left behind (that is to say if they have even left one). You arrange a new time for the package to be delivered but this time as you know you won't be in anytime during the week, you decide to deliver it to another address where you're certain someone will be there to take and sign for the package. You wait and wait and by the time a day over has passed you call up again (this is what PEE's me off), you say to them your package hasn't arrived, where is it and can I get it redelivered. The people reply with they have tried on this day, that day and yardy de dar but the astonishing part of all this is that they delivered it not to the NEW address you have arranged with them, but to the same address you already mentioned you weren't going to be at. Seriously!!! The fact this happens not once but twice is outrageous!!! What is the point in me calling up to rearrange a new delivery time/address if you're just going to post it to the same address as before. I can only blame the stupid system which they must have or the fact that they are just mind numbingly stupid!

OK, I feel slightly better but come on, is it that difficult to send one box from one address to another noting that the other address is just across the road from the original address.

I hate couriers, I hate the courier and I hate the post office! (Sorry Royal Mail but you play apart in it too...).


Monday 8 March 2010

"With great power comes great responsibility"... Or so they say!

Who am I? I'm Scarlet Spider!........That's right, not crappy Peter Parker but the better version, the clone of Peter Parker! (I think my costume's better!).

OK so I'm feeling very super hero like today, why? No reason in particular but mainly because I saw that KICK-ASS trailer again today! The film does look awesome and am fully looking forward to watching it when it comes out!

I started thinking if I were a super hero who would I be? Well yes most people know my favourite super hero is
Spiderman! But secretly it's always been Scarlet Spider! I look at all the other heroes and yes some may say 'Batman' (although he's been told to be gay... you'll see later) as he has no powers, and then others will say 'Superman' as he so many powers! So who would you choose??? (I asked the little one and her reply was 'Peppa Pig'..... I told her that doesn't count!)

Well whilst you're thinking abou
t that as I mentioned up top the new movie KICK-ASS, I thought I'd share the trailer here so you can get into the hero feeling mood as well!

Also just for fun I thought I'd finish off with my favourite Super Hero Fail Pictures!!! ENJOY!


Sunday 7 March 2010

Awake from my slumber!

I don't know what it is about Sundays, but don't you feel like it's the best day for sleeping in?

Today I woke up at 9 o'clock, then 11.30 and then 2 o'clock!!! I hate that feeling when you know you should have got up earlier but you end up falling back to slee
p not realizing it's already late in the day. I think the worst part of sleeping in till late is when you feel like you've over slept! (You know, when you've slept 12 hours straight).

I think I will just relax for the rest of the day or what's left of the day and then maybe.. I'll eat one of these!

I think this is a special kind of cupcake! Especially for me!!!


Saturday 6 March 2010

I think I've gone.. CRAZY!!!... (PART 2)

So last night I watched the movie 'The Crazies', but does this film deliver craziness on another level? Here's my mini review:

Lets get one thing straight, this movie is not about 'Zombies!' (although that was my first instinct). The movie is about the inhabitants of a small lowa town plagued by insanity and then death after a mysterious toxin contaminates their water supply. So in case
you're thinking this is going to be like a 'Dawn of the Dead' clone, then think again.

So as soon as I got back home I decided I'd watch the original (I know how can I watch the same film twice in one night!). I can definitely say
that although in theory they are the same film, both films have qualities which make them their own. George Romero's 1973 version was known as a cult classic, fun yet a very memorable low-budget film. The original liked to focus more on the government and the scientists trying to find a cure, with tads of chaos here and there. This new remake chose to take a different route although still keeping faithful to the original's story. This film had enough depth to the story, yet well balanced allowing there to be enough tension, violence and subtle humor. As there weren't too many violent scenes, when there were it was great, it may come across as a negative (to those who want action action action!), but at the same time saying that it allowed the film to create an errie atmosphere, keeping the audience guessing when the next turn of events would go bad.

Pros: Although nothing new here the execution was done very well. All actors gave
strong performances and added some depth to their roles. The film has a great pace to it allowing it to keep you on edge. A nice slow start which then lets loose throughout the rest of the film. Mild fractions of humor here and there yet not overly done. It keeps faithful to the original, yet standing on its own enough so it doesn't come across as just another poor adaption of a cult classic.

If you've seen one viral outbreak movie, it's most likely you've seen them all. I'm not going to spoil the ending for you, but lets just hope they don't do what they did to the matrix, which should have been left as one film and not turned into a trilogy.

My final thoughts are, although it may come across as a 'Left 4 Dead' sort of movie and you're worried it may be just another poor remake, just give it a try anyway. This is one remake which is better than any that have come out in a long time. It should please people fans of the original and yet those who want to just see
something new and exciting. It's an enjoyable film which has all aspects of how a horror should be. Go watch it NOW! ...(or at least sometime soon!)

My rating: 8/10


Friday 5 March 2010

I think I've gone.. CRAZY!!!... (PART 1)

Very excited today as me and my other half are going to watch the film 'The Crazies'. I've read quite a few reviews about it and all seem to be quite positive. I do like a bit of horror and gore now and then, especially on the big screen. I haven't seen the original, but I'm sure I will take a look at it as soon as I can, at least that way I can make a comparison on which is better.

Unfortunately this will be a short and quick post as we are leaving soon! but I will be posting the second part to this post tomorrow, giving my whole review on how the film turned out.

For those who haven't heard of it, I've added the official trailer below.

Note to self.. hold your breath when you think you're going to scream... (If all fails.. point to the one next to you!!!).


Thursday 4 March 2010

My 'Visionary' FAIL!!!

Trying to educate a child to what you think is good and what you think is bad can be quite difficult. As we were all once children, we all love to reminisce about the times and things we went through. Now as the parent, we like to pass down our childhood memories and hope that our children will enjoy what we once did just as much. So today I tried just that!

One of my great childhood memories was TV (not the crappy news, which I thought back then). Everyone has favourite TV shows which they remember when they were a child and for me this was no different. One particular show which I only remembered this past year was called Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light! This show was totally awesome! Although only 13 episodes in total, it had everything that would capture a child's attention and glue their eyes to the TV screen.

As this was one of my favourites, I thought to share this with my little one. She's still quite young but in my eyes, old enough to enjoy it. So I put it on and as soon as the intro comes up my eyes are like WOW! Although next to me the little ones yawning.... So I tell her "Look, LOOK!", she looks at the TV then looks at me, gives me the cold shoulder and walks off yawning... YAWNING!!! (I thought maybe she was feeling tired..)

I figure OK, I don't think she likes it but then she comes back and starts watching with me. This is where her fun begins... She starts asking me questions throughout the show, "Daddy who that?", so I try to explain. 5 minutes later, "Daddy who that?".... and the same question over and over and over again! So in the end I just turn it off. As soon as it's off, I see the biggest grin on the little ones face and the
n she comes out with "Daddy, we watch Dora now!". So I put it on and go down stairs, whilst I hear a fainted giggle behind me.

So.. lesson learned. Trying to share a beloved memory with offspring... FAIL!

If you don't remember this show more information can be found in the link below, but for the ones that do! I've added a clip of the intro!

Maybe I'll try Transformers next... no harm in trying again!


Wednesday 3 March 2010

The Jerk in the seat next to me..

Some strange and nasty news 'came' across me today. I don't know what it is, but the quote "When you got to go, you got to go!", shouldn't mean go now whilst on a plane with 200 people next to you!

It was said that a 34-year-old Delaware man was arrested yesterday after
masturbating and exposing himself to a female passenger. Firstly, duuuuude... not cool! Luckily the lady didn't actually catch the gentleman rub one out, but she did hear "a swishing sound" (pull one of your cheeks back and forth and you'll get the idea). So the woman noticed some "fumbling underneath a blanket" the obvious telltale signs were all there, "eyes were closed and his hands moved around his groin area," underneath a "blanket pulled up to his waist." The woman, clearly not a fan of spontaneous softcore, went to move seats and "saw him holding his erect penis," at which point he said, "You caught me."

You would have to applaud his honesty, You caught me! but it does make the mind ponder on why and how you would think one could get away with it. I can't imagine the expression on his face when he realized that he'd been caught but then again... I don't think I'd want to.

*NOTE: Please note that most of the story was quoted from the article I read which can he found below.

Next time you're thinking of joining the one-man Mile High club, try some place more quiet and deserted. Here's a hint.. try a library! (supposedly happens a lot)


Tuesday 2 March 2010

not now Loki.. not now..

For such a nice sunny day, why does it feel so sinister? Not too sure what it is, but I read a lot of news today which just put me down. Don't worry though, I'm not feeling down per se, but the the whole day feeling just feels down due to all the current events.

Some of the news which I read today:

- The horrid events which occurred in Chile recently, hoping that the looting will be brought under control.

- One young TV presenter 'Kritian Digby' (only aged 32), past away yesterday. What is strange is that they are treating his death as unexplained??? I remember seeing him on daytime TV on that show 'To Buy or Not To Buy'.

- Although this may not seem important to some, but as I am a big gamer there was some shocking news in the games industry today. One of my favourite games present is 'Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2'. The company behind the game is 'IW' and is published by 'Activision'. It's been said that 2 of the heads of IW have now left the company. There seems to be a current dispute and no one at this moment knows exactly what's going on, but it does seem that one of my favourite games right
now... is heading for a downfall.

If you want to know more, the links to these stories have been added below.

So... Loki, if you could stop messing around so much and leave things be! No one
wants to play right now..


Monday 1 March 2010

The Mafia's out to get me!!!

So today my mum came round to see the little one and spend some time with her and I. I'm not too sure what it is but every time I try to have a serious conversation with her, she comes out with the most strangest responses???... and this time it was no different.

Not that long ago one of my close friends took up a course, I spoke to him about it and he suggested why not give it a try. He was sure that there would be something I'd like. Now, funds aren't easy to come by these days and money can sometimes be tight, I thought if I'm going to do this I'm going to have to get the funds from somewhere! SOOOO... I decided I'd ask my mum and see what she thought about it all.

As she was round today I thought what not better opportunity then now to ask her (especially with the little one about!). So we sit down and I start by explaining that I was interested in taking up a course, she replies "why? what for?", so again I explain my situation a
nd how I think it would be good for me. She looks at me for ages and then replies, "How do you know if you can trust these people? You know they could be scam artists... like the MAFIA!". As soon as I heard that my face just dropped in laughter! I replied, "The MAFIA?! Your telling me that if I take up this course and something goes wrong, then the MAFIA will come after me?". Her response, "YES!... you don't know these days...".

So raising the funds seemed harder than I anticipated. Well, if everything goes wrong and my mums prediction's correct... I'll be looking out for a horse's head next to me when I wake up!

Thanks for the advise mum!
