Monday 1 March 2010

The Mafia's out to get me!!!

So today my mum came round to see the little one and spend some time with her and I. I'm not too sure what it is but every time I try to have a serious conversation with her, she comes out with the most strangest responses???... and this time it was no different.

Not that long ago one of my close friends took up a course, I spoke to him about it and he suggested why not give it a try. He was sure that there would be something I'd like. Now, funds aren't easy to come by these days and money can sometimes be tight, I thought if I'm going to do this I'm going to have to get the funds from somewhere! SOOOO... I decided I'd ask my mum and see what she thought about it all.

As she was round today I thought what not better opportunity then now to ask her (especially with the little one about!). So we sit down and I start by explaining that I was interested in taking up a course, she replies "why? what for?", so again I explain my situation a
nd how I think it would be good for me. She looks at me for ages and then replies, "How do you know if you can trust these people? You know they could be scam artists... like the MAFIA!". As soon as I heard that my face just dropped in laughter! I replied, "The MAFIA?! Your telling me that if I take up this course and something goes wrong, then the MAFIA will come after me?". Her response, "YES!... you don't know these days...".

So raising the funds seemed harder than I anticipated. Well, if everything goes wrong and my mums prediction's correct... I'll be looking out for a horse's head next to me when I wake up!

Thanks for the advise mum!


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