Thursday 4 March 2010

My 'Visionary' FAIL!!!

Trying to educate a child to what you think is good and what you think is bad can be quite difficult. As we were all once children, we all love to reminisce about the times and things we went through. Now as the parent, we like to pass down our childhood memories and hope that our children will enjoy what we once did just as much. So today I tried just that!

One of my great childhood memories was TV (not the crappy news, which I thought back then). Everyone has favourite TV shows which they remember when they were a child and for me this was no different. One particular show which I only remembered this past year was called Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light! This show was totally awesome! Although only 13 episodes in total, it had everything that would capture a child's attention and glue their eyes to the TV screen.

As this was one of my favourites, I thought to share this with my little one. She's still quite young but in my eyes, old enough to enjoy it. So I put it on and as soon as the intro comes up my eyes are like WOW! Although next to me the little ones yawning.... So I tell her "Look, LOOK!", she looks at the TV then looks at me, gives me the cold shoulder and walks off yawning... YAWNING!!! (I thought maybe she was feeling tired..)

I figure OK, I don't think she likes it but then she comes back and starts watching with me. This is where her fun begins... She starts asking me questions throughout the show, "Daddy who that?", so I try to explain. 5 minutes later, "Daddy who that?".... and the same question over and over and over again! So in the end I just turn it off. As soon as it's off, I see the biggest grin on the little ones face and the
n she comes out with "Daddy, we watch Dora now!". So I put it on and go down stairs, whilst I hear a fainted giggle behind me.

So.. lesson learned. Trying to share a beloved memory with offspring... FAIL!

If you don't remember this show more information can be found in the link below, but for the ones that do! I've added a clip of the intro!

Maybe I'll try Transformers next... no harm in trying again!



  1. OMG visionaries epicly amazing! ;D

  2. That's what I'm talking about! at least someone remember the good times! I need a day to watch it from start to finish... maybe not a day though as each episode is only 20 minutes long!

  3. Oh dear, you really ARE trying to turn her into a tomboy ha ha!

  4. WOW! I love that show. I had a few of the toy figures as well. The ones with the holograms on their chests.

  5. I wish I had the toys still. I think I had one or too but it was such a long time ago it's hard to remember!
