Monday 8 March 2010

"With great power comes great responsibility"... Or so they say!

Who am I? I'm Scarlet Spider!........That's right, not crappy Peter Parker but the better version, the clone of Peter Parker! (I think my costume's better!).

OK so I'm feeling very super hero like today, why? No reason in particular but mainly because I saw that KICK-ASS trailer again today! The film does look awesome and am fully looking forward to watching it when it comes out!

I started thinking if I were a super hero who would I be? Well yes most people know my favourite super hero is
Spiderman! But secretly it's always been Scarlet Spider! I look at all the other heroes and yes some may say 'Batman' (although he's been told to be gay... you'll see later) as he has no powers, and then others will say 'Superman' as he so many powers! So who would you choose??? (I asked the little one and her reply was 'Peppa Pig'..... I told her that doesn't count!)

Well whilst you're thinking abou
t that as I mentioned up top the new movie KICK-ASS, I thought I'd share the trailer here so you can get into the hero feeling mood as well!

Also just for fun I thought I'd finish off with my favourite Super Hero Fail Pictures!!! ENJOY!


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