Tuesday 2 March 2010

not now Loki.. not now..

For such a nice sunny day, why does it feel so sinister? Not too sure what it is, but I read a lot of news today which just put me down. Don't worry though, I'm not feeling down per se, but the the whole day feeling just feels down due to all the current events.

Some of the news which I read today:

- The horrid events which occurred in Chile recently, hoping that the looting will be brought under control.

- One young TV presenter 'Kritian Digby' (only aged 32), past away yesterday. What is strange is that they are treating his death as unexplained??? I remember seeing him on daytime TV on that show 'To Buy or Not To Buy'.

- Although this may not seem important to some, but as I am a big gamer there was some shocking news in the games industry today. One of my favourite games present is 'Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2'. The company behind the game is 'IW' and is published by 'Activision'. It's been said that 2 of the heads of IW have now left the company. There seems to be a current dispute and no one at this moment knows exactly what's going on, but it does seem that one of my favourite games right
now... is heading for a downfall.

If you want to know more, the links to these stories have been added below.




So... Loki, if you could stop messing around so much and leave things be! No one
wants to play right now..



  1. Apparently Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is meant to be really good. Possible replacement for Modern Warfare / Call of Duty in general?


  2. Yeah, I've heard that from quite a few people. I guess because I'm so into it at the moment, I'm too afraid to try anything new. I did check out some videos on Youtube and it does look really good. The way I see it is, if the whole CoD series does go down under then eventually I'll have to find something new to play (in the same genre of course).

